Sarah Boese
Sarah Boese studies math at Vassar College, where next year she will serve as an intern for the math department. Last semester, she studied abroad in Budapest, participating in the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics program. There, she focused on Abstract Algebra and Combinatorics. She loves to cook and hike. Sarah regularly eats cake for breakfast.
Tracy Cui
Tracy studies discrete math and logic at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA, where she works as a TA. Tracy also participates in Game Creation Society and Flute Choir. Tracy occasionally eats cake for breakfast.
Sam Johnston
Sam is a mathematics and economics major at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon. At Willamette, Sam works in the offices of Admission and Community Service in addition to tutoring students in math courses. Sam is an avid hiker and backpacker and loves to sing and make music. Sam never eats cake for breakfast.

Megan Brown
- Math Ed Group
- Project: Investigating the Interplay of Argumentation and Mathematics in Classroom Tasks

Aubrey Coffey
- Fractals Group
- Projects: Spectrum of the Magnetic Laplacian on the Diamond Fractal, Power Dissipation in Fractal AC Circuits

Lee Fisher
- Fractals Group
- Projects: Power Dissipation in Fractal AC Circuits, Wave Propagation through a Fractal Medium

Stephen Loew
- Fractals Group
- Projects: Spectrum of the Magnetic Laplacian on the Diamond Fractal, Power Dissipation in Fractal AC Circuits

Grace Wright
- Math Ed Group
- Project: Investigating the Interplay of Argumentation and Mathematics in Classroom Tasks

Sara Chari
- Fractals Group
- Project: Measurable Riemannian Structure on Higher Dimensional Sierpinski Gaskets

Josh Frisch
- Fractals Group
- Project: Measurable Riemannian Structure on Higher Dimensional Sierpinski Gaskets

David Wierschen
- Stochastics Group
- Project: Lyapunov Exponents of Multiplicative Stochastic Processes

Matthew Begue
- Fractals Group
- Project: The Strichartz Hexacarpet and Higher Dimensional Analogues
- Fractals Group
- Project: Spectrum and Heat Kernel Asymptotics on General Laakso Spaces

Matthew Begue
- Fractals Group
- Project: The Strichartz Hexacarpet and Higher Dimensional Analogues
- Fractals Group
- Project: Spectrum and Heat Kernel Asymptotics on General Laakso Spaces