2023|2024 |
2023|2024|Fractals|Mentor|Stochastics |
| Bernard Akwei |
| bernard.akwei@uconn.edu |
2015 |
Fractals|Mentor |
 | Ulysses Andrews | Project: Wave Propagation through a Fractal Medium
| ulysses.andrews@uconn.edu |
2022|2023|2024 |
2022|2023|2024|Fractals|Mentor|Stochastics |
 | Rachel Bailey | Project:
| rachel.bailey@uconn.edu |
2018|Faculty|Mentor|Stochastics |
 | Fabrice Baudoin | Project: Financial Math: Portfolio Optimization and Dynamic Programing
| fabrice.baudoin@uconn.edu |
2015 |
Mentor |
 | Antoni Brzoska | Projects: Power Dissipation in Fractal AC Circuits, Spectrum of the Magnetic Laplacian on the Diamond Fractal
| antoni.brzoska@uconn.edu |
2012|2013|2015 |
2015|Mentor |
 | Fabiana Cardetti | Math Ed: Investigating the Interplay of Argumentation and Mathematics in Classroom Tasks, Mathematics and Intercultural Competence in the Middle School, Resources to Aid the Transition into an IBL Mathematics Course, An Inquiry-Based Approach to Teaching Parameterization, Exploring Learning Difficulties in Multivariable Calculus
| fabiana.cardetti@uconn.edu |
2015 |
Mentor |
 | Joe Chen | Stochastics Group: Stochastic Stabilization of Planar Flows
Fractals group: Power Dissipation in Fractal AC Circuits
| jpchen@colgate.edu |
2018|Mentor|Stochastics |
 | Berend Coster | Project: Financial Math: Portfolio Optimization and Dynamic Programing
| berend.coster@uconn.edu |
Mentor |
 | Kyle Evans | Project: Mathematics and Intercultural Competence in the Middle School
| kyle.evans@uconn.edu |
Mentor |
 | Gabriel Feinberg | Projects: Exploring Learning Difficulties in Multivariable Calculus, Resources to Aid the Transition into an IBL Mathematics Course, An Inquiry Based-Approach to Teaching Parametrization
| gfeinberg@haverford.edu |
2012|2014|2015|2016|2017|2018 |
Faculty|Mentor|Stochastics |
 | Masha Gordina | Stochastics Group: Stochastic Stabilization of Planar Flows, Multiplicative LLN and CLT and their Applications
| gordina@math.uconn.edu |
2020 |
2020|Algebraic Geometry|Mentor |
 | Emily Gunawan | Algebraic Combinatorics
| |
2018 |
2018|Fractals|Mentor |
 | Christopher Hayes | Fractals Project: Lipschitz Continuity of Laplacian Eigenfunctions on a class of post-critically finite (PCF) self-similar sets.
| christopher.k.hayes@uconn.edu |
2008|2009|2010|2011|2012|2013|2014|2015|2017 |
Mentor |
 | Dan Kelleher | Projects: Spectrum of the Magnetic Laplacian on the Sierpinski Gasket, Measurable Riemannian Structure on Higher Dimensional Sierpinski Gaskets, Determining the Spectrum of the Laplacian on 3N-Gaskets, Analyzing Properties of the C. Elegans Neural Network: Mathematically Modelling a Biological System, The Strichartz Hexacarpet and Higher Dimensional Analogues
| kelleher@ualberta.ca |
Mentor |
 | Steven Lemay | Project: Investigating the Interplay of Argumentation and Mathematics in Classroom Tasks
| steven.lemay@uconn.edu |
2017|2018 |
2017|Mentor|Stochastics |
 | Phanuel Mariano | Stochastics Group: Multiplicative LLN and CLT and their Applications, Financial Math: Portfolio Optimization and Dynamic Programming
| phanuel.mariano@uconn.edu |
2017|2018|2019 |
2017|2018|2019|Fractals|Mentor |
 | Gamal Mograby |
| gamal.mograby@uconn.edu |
2019|Mentor|Student |
 | Gianmarco Molino | Hedging by Sequential Regression in Generalized Discrete Models and the Follmer-Schweizer decomposition
| gianmarco.molino@uconn.edu |
2019|2020 |
2019|2020|Faculty|Mentor |
 | Oleksii Mostovyi | Stochastics: Hedging by Sequential Regression in Generalized Discrete Models and the Follmer-Schweizer decomposition
| oleksii.mostovyi@uconn.edu |
2018 |
2018|Fractals|Mentor |
 | Sweta Pandey | Fractals Project: Geodesic Interpolation on the Sierpinski Gasket.
| sweta.pandey@uconn.edu |
2017 |
2017|Mentor|Stochastics |
 | Hugo Panzo | Stochastics Group: Multiplicative LLN and CLT and their Applications
| hugo.panzo@uconn.edu |
2013|2014|2015|2016|2017|2018|2019|2020 |
2015|2017|2018|2019|2020|Faculty|Fractals|Mentor |
 | Luke Rogers | Math REU Coordinator, fractals group.
MathSciNet profile
GoogleScholar profile
arXiv.org author search
UConn Math department contact info
| rogers@math.uconn.edu |
2015 |
Mentor |
 | Khrystyna Serhiyenko | Project: Minimal Length Maximal Green Sequences
| khrystyna.serhiyenko@berkeley.edu |
2015 |
Mentor |
 | Fan Ny Shum | Project: Stochastic Stabilization of Planar Flows
| fan.shum@uconn.edu |
Mentor |
 | Benjamin Steinhurst | Projects: Quantum Mechanics on Laakso Spaces, From Self-Similar Structures to Self-Similar Groups, Spectrum and Heat Kernel Asymptotics on General Laakso Spaces, Modified Hanoi Tower Groups and Limit Spaces, Eigenmodes of a Laplacian on a Laakso Space
| bsteinhurst@mcdaniel.edu |
2008|2009|2010|2011|2012|2013|2014|2015|2016|2017|2018 |
2015|2017|2018|Faculty|Fractals|Mentor|Stochastics |
 | Sasha Teplyaev | Fractals, stochastics groups.
| teplyaev@uconn.edu |
Mentor |
 | Rebecca Tramel | Project: Frobenius Splitting of Projective Toric Varieties
| rtramel@illinois.edu |